I was home schooled. I hated the outdoors; I could not stand even having the door, or the window open. My mom kept bugging me to go outside for once, she even offered to pay me five dollars. I simply decline in the simplest manner each time. I am not going outdoors. My mom brings up all the time that I am never going to meet new friends staying indoors, or meet girls. All I have to say is I have Facebook, I have plenty of friends. And it was true, I had over 300 friends. Most of which were girls. I preferred to add girls over guys; I just liked them a lot better. I don?t know why I liked girls better; I guess I got along with them better. Every girl I added accepted me.
I peered my head out of the drapes, and thought for a few seconds, and finally, I pressed my hand against the cold metal latch of the window, and got ready to pull back, when A bird, a black bird, sparrow came and splat itself against my window. I had no time to look at it, because I screamed, and nose dived for my bed. My beautiful step sister ran into my room. ?Ray, what?s the matter?? her soothing voice calmed me down every time I am scared. ?I ugh, had a bad dream.? I would lie to her shyly. She would give me a disappointed smile and shake her head. ?Thirteen years old and still has nightmares.?
The morning was beautiful. There were birds singing their wonderful song, it?s like a radio outside of my home. I stretch my noodle like arms and let out a long bellowing yawn. Little bits of sunlight splash through my drapes and shine upon me. I manage to pull myself out of bed, I feel heavier than usual, but I do not understand how. I thump down the long winding stair case, and feet making clump like noises as I move not so stealthily down to the kitchen. There, my mother stood making coffee. She looked like she had just taken a bath and put on makeup, because her hair was sopping wet, and her usually ugly face was covered by a coating of beauty. I did not have a crush on my mother, gross, but I had a crush on my step sister, Eliza. Even though she was nineteen, and I was only thirteen.
My step dad, Carl, thumped down the stairs, similar to me, came down and took the last piece of bacon right off the tray and let out a ?Hahaha.? We knew he was playing with us, so we were not offended. I finished up my eggs by putting them on my bagel, then my bratty little brother came over to me. ?So you are not afraid to try eggs on a bagel, but you are afraid to go outside?? He mocked, cocking his head to the left. He really used to steam me up, but if I hit him, I would get in loads of trouble. ?I am surprised you can even come out of your room.? That tears it. I spun around and gave him a taste of my freshly made knuckle sandwich and lunged myself on top of him. I heard Carl run over and I felt myself being pulled off of the idiot with no life. ?Ray. Stop it now.? My mother attempted, but it did not stop me. Then I heard Carl?s deep voice blurt out. ?For punishment, you are going to come with us to wal-mart.? I froze. ?O-outside??
The car was so... Different. I had no idea what was going on. I was scared. I could not stop shaking. My brother turned and looked at me. ?Would you stop that? I can feel the whole car shaking.? What a snob, he really bugs me sometimes. Most of the time. The only reason I am out here is because of him. All of a sudden, everything went black.
The voice of a young woman filled my ears, it reminded me of my step sister. I could not make out what she was saying, but it was something about me. All of a sudden, the soothing voice faded away, into the darkness in which I was surrounded in...
I could not hear the wild, free wind. I could only make out the screams of the dead and the see through pounding on the glass door. I shuffled over to the oak doorway, and peer through it, I heard the hallowing of the devilish wind. There was nothing out in the deep dark abyss that is the night. I shake my head with a defiant grin, and head back up to my sanctuary that is my room.
The sun breaks through the pink drapes. The misty dust covering my room chokes me, and I plummet off of my soft, sweet bed and onto the hard wood floor. Where did all of that dust come from? Did the wind last night cause it? How could that be possible? I do not understand things at all anymore. My floor was as cold as ice. It must have snowed last night. I could smell the winter air, it tickled my though. To me, that was the best feeling a guy could ever get. My room seemed more bear for some reason, my book shelf, gone, my clothes gone, and just about every-thing, was gone.
My mom was on the couch, weeping. I could see the warm tears dropping down her face, her poor, desperate looking face. I heard my name being said, but I could not make out the slur that was the rest of her sentence. ?Mom?? I blurted out. But she kept on crying. ?Is the others awake?? Still no answer. Just then, there was a pound on the door. My mom thrusted herself ups, her face red and poufy, and she turned the big metal door knob. Oddly, there was a hole in it. What was this hole? I see a man in white standing outside it. ?Ray, did not make it.?
What is going on? That was all that was running through my head. The words flying past me like I was lost in a sea of thoughts. All of a sudden I hear Carl thumping down the stairs like normal, I slid on my heels to face him. ?Carl, wha-? I was cut off by him walking right through me. ?Amanda, you know why he died.? Carl was saying things that sounded almost distant, but I could just make it out. By now, the officer was gone, and my step dad was with my mom. ?Yes Carl, and it was your fault! You killed him!? she started to raise her voice. ?Killed him? Did Carl run over someone?? I could not hear myself. I shout, and shout, but I could not hear myself still.
?Look, the stuff we could burry in with him, is at the morgue , and the rest, is at the good will.? After Carl let that out, my mom?s eyes widened. ?You donated my oldest son?s things, after you buried him?!? Anger filled in her voice. ?Mom! What the heck is going on!!!? As much as I wanted to hear myself, I couldn?t. The air was so cold, I went over to the window, it was very, very sunny. Before I knew what was happening, the window blew into millions of tiny little pieces, and a giant hand came out and grabbed around my waist, and pulled me out.
I found myself on the ground in front of a throne, with red hot flames surrounding the throne and I. A red, horned man appeared in front of me wearing armor made of what looked like gold. ?W-who are you?? I asked, but I could hear myself this time. The man smiled widely and opened his mouth. ?My name, is Lucifer. And you Rob, died at a young age.? Lucifer. As in, the devil? ?Am I in hell?? I asked him, tears welling up in my eyes. Lucifer nodded. ?Why am I in hell?!? I screamed at the devilish man. ?You are here, because I have an offer for you. You never experienced what it?s like to live, to be free. I am going t give you, one whole year to live your life, then, you will go to heaven. But if you stay inside, and do nothing, I will murder you, painfully.? A smile appeared on my face. ?I accept!? I stand up, smiling. ?But, you must go to school, and I am expecting you to make a girl friend. When you wake up, you will be 18 years old. You were in a coma for four years. Understand?? I start to cry tears of joy, and I say ?Yes.?
?Ray? Ray? Can you hear me?? A female doctor lightly slapped my cheek. I opened my eyes and smiled. ?What happened?? I said weakly. ?You had a heart attack, and you were in a coma.? She seemed nervous, but I was fine. I sat up and put my hands on my legs. ?Take it easy there, Ray.? Carl walked into the room, smiling. ?Dad?? I ask, even though I know its him. ?Yeah, it me. How are you feeling?? Well, I was still really cold. I guess Lucifer did not bring me all the way back to life. Carl embraced me in a huge, life taking hug. For the first time, I actually hugged him back. ?Carl, when can I be released?? I asked, as if this was a prison, not a hospital. ?Any time you want.? Did I actually see him smile? So what, he was being nice to me. I was in a coma for four years. Let?s just see what happens next, I am still not sure of these next events. It is still kind of blurry.
I was dressed in blue jeans and a green and black Polo Shirt, wearing combat boots. I loved combat books. They were just so cool. I think it is just the way the click and clack on the ground is cool. Or maybe how heavy they are. As we hit the Hatchback Carl used to drive, two guys wearing tank tops and cargo pants holding baseball bats walked up to us. ?Hey man, how much you got in your wallet?? The tallest, darker guy grumbled, looking fierily grumpy. He was not dark skinned, just really tanned. ?That is no concern of yours.? Carl fought back, then under his breath he muttered ?Punks.? The man who spoke up stomped over and gripped him by the shirt. ?I want to know.? I did not see his mouth move. ?And that is not your business, pal.? After this, the man holding Carl dropped his bat, and took out a pocket knife. ?You wanna get cut, old man.? Then he glanced over at me, and let go of Carl, he backed up, and elbowed his buddy in the stomach, and they both ran away in a panic. ?What was that all about?? I ask Carl. He shrugs and gets into the car. I open the heavy door, and flop down on the seat, and slump down.
My embraced me in a huge, breathe taking hug. ?Mom, it?s just me, you guys were the only reason I was in a coma.? She raised her hand in a slap, but lowered it, and kept hugging me. My Step sister, Eliza came up the stairs. ?Ray!? She shouted in joy as my Mom let go of me. She was now shorter than me, and she squeezed me in a hug. I laughed at her. ?Wow, you have grown.? She smiled, looking at me. ?Yeah well, that?s what four years of sleep can do.? Then my mom looked at me. ?Ray, you have been out for five years.? I did not worry, I just laughed. ?That?s not what Lucifer said.? They all stopped and stared at me. ?Lucifer? The devil Lucifer?? Mom asked me. I shake my head. ?I may have been in a coma, but I was not dead.?
Dinner was pretty awkward. My Bratty little brother kept looking at me, as if I was a ghost. I still felt very, very cold. ?Are you okay Ray? You are very pale.? Mom finally asks me. ?I just feel tired.? I need to make up lies. They would not understand Lucifer?s deal with me. ?Sleep? After all five years you got of sleep?? Carl chuckled at me. ?Yeah, even after the five years.? I finish the chicken breast that was on my plate, and start on the salad. ?After this, can I go to the park or something?? I ask, hesitating at first. ?No you may not, we are not loosing you, again.? Mom got serious. This was the face I did not miss, at all.
I trotted around my naked room. ?If I cannot get to the park, how can I live my life?? I kept asking myself that. Mom would never let me out after what had happened. I needed to get outside. Wow, I never thought I would say something like that.
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